The story was about a young lady from East London so desperate to have the perfect body that she flew to the U.S. (Pennsylvania) to recieve butt implants in a motel. Within another twelve hours of the procedure, the young lady- named Claudia Adertomi but went by the stage name of Carmella London- started complaining of chest pains. After she was taken to the hospital by friends, she passed away soon after. it was said that the "doctor who performed the procedure used industrial silicone and to make matters worse, injected it into a vein. Claudia desired to be famous and had been auditioning for parts for music videos before her procedure wearing butt pads to enhance the size of her bottom. Sure she got the parts in the video but after the directors and producers of the videos learned that she wore butt pads and didn't have a "natural curve," she was released from the videos. It's a terribly sad story of yet another person subjected to our society's image of beauty.

When I read this story, I thought about the story of Sara Baartman. Sara Baartman was a slave who just so happened to have a large posterior. Because of her unusually large backside, slave owners took her around the country as a freak show. Men would come out to see this woman and examine her backside and even touch her. When she died, doctors used her genitalia to run tests and try to prove that African people descended from Apes.

Slavery ended long before our time and the things women were subjected and belittled to has changed very little. The difference between now and then is that we choose to subject ourselves to this. We are misogynized by society and the people around us and we accept it. When is a change going to come?
"And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good."
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